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Inform when this item available:
Vendor: Star shell Genral trading
Sku: 6767_1_50056
Country of Origin: United Arab Emirates
Currently Available at: United Arab Emirates
An exceptionally natural botanical based, BIO ZERO is an Organic/Vegan non-selective weed killer with botanical-based active ingredients including Caprylic Acid and Eugenol (Natural Extracted Clove Oil), carried in a highly nutritious and naturally processed Plant/Microalgae liquid. The naturally processed Plant/Microalgae liquid has a synergistic relation with Caprylic Acid as active ingredient and accelerate the effectiveness of this active ingredient. This formulation was uniquely developed by Dr. Sam Jahangard using a combination of the conventional Food formulation technology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology to make it more effective and efficient in controlling the weeds (Senior Scientist at BIO10 AGROBIOTECH, Australia).
• All annual broad leaves/weeds less than 15-25 cm.
• All grass weeds less than 10-15 cm
• Most active on the seedling weeds prior to advanced root development.
• Active on Perennial weeds in early stage of growth (not regrowth), at later stage a defoliant.