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Vendor: Revital Co
Sku: 27906
Country of Origin: Russia
Currently Available at: Russia
Chaga is a rarespecies of tinder fungus that forms from a microscopic spore accidentallyintroduced into a crack in a tree bark. In 10-15 years it grows back and in theprime of its strength reaches a mass of 5 or more kilograms. During this time,as a result of the interrelated biological processes of the tree and thefungus, many bioactive substances are formed in Chaga. Its final compositionand therapeutic properties depend on where it is grown. The more severe theclimatic conditions, the more useful Chaga will be. After all, many of thecomponents in the composition of the fungus are the result of its struggle forsurvival. Siberian Chaga is therefore rightfully deemed to be the best.
Chaga was originally used bytraditional medicine to support the gastrointestinal tract (Romanova G. Healing Chaga. Treating Cancer, Ulcers, and Other Diseases. S.-Pb., 2001). And in1955, a pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment of gastritis was firstcreated on the basis of chaga. Thanks to the ability of chaga to normalize thefunction of the gastrointestinal tract and harmonize metabolic processes, theprevention of excess body fat is achieved in a natural way.
Chaga has one of the highest scoresin the ORAC antioxidant rating (Oxygen radical adsorbance capacity) establishedby the U.S. National Institute of Aging, which views free radicals as a majorcause of premature aging and cancer.
Chaga's strong antioxidantproperties are provided by a number of substances. Among them the first placeis assigned to the chromogenic complex of polyphenols, which includes thepigment melanin.
It protects the body from the effectsof UV radiation, carcinogens, and mutagens, improves the activity of thecardiovascular system, reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol(Sushinskaya N.V., Kukulyanskaya T.A., Gavrilenko N.V. et al. Successesof Medical Mycology.Materials from the 2nd Russian Congress on Medical Mycology. 2004,3(5), p. 192-194).
Among other antioxidants of chaga issuperoxide dismutase (SOD). In terms of the activity of free radicalprotection, this enzyme is 10,000 times superior to vitamins C, E, A. SOD isvalued for its ability to neutralize oxidation, especially singlet oxygen,which is responsible for tissue damage, disrupting the pH level in the body andcausing chronic inflammation.
The capsule form of the drug allowsall the active components of chaga to reach the small intestine and thusensures the maximum benefit from their use.
The capsules contain Siberian birchtree mushroom. Birch is the only plant that contains betulin, a substance withpronounced pharmacological activity; many of the healing effects of chaga areassociated with it: antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, gastroprotective,etc.
Maralantlers and chaga are used:
• • • • • • • to strengthen the immune system,including prevention of ARVI and influenza during seasonal epidemics.
Recommendationsfor use: adults, 2 capsules twice a day with meals.
Period ofadministration: 1 month. Repeated round is possible within a year.
Counterindications: intolerance to individual components.
Composition: maralantlers powder, chaga.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Storageconditions: store at 0ºС to +25ºС and max 75% RH.
ТУ10.89.19-007-24267110-2019 with amendment No.1