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Inform when this item available:
Vendor: Revital Co
Sku: 27907
Country of Origin: Russia
Currently Available at: Russia
The plant is a natural alternativeto synthetic antidepressants, non-addictive with no withdrawal syndrome(Challem J. Medical Journal Hours: Context and Annexes. Rhodiola May Help inTreating Anxiety. Alternative and Complementary Therapy, 2008).
About 140 active components(phenols, glycosides, flavonoids and tannins, etc.) have been found in Rhodiolarosea, the combined action of which increases a person's resistance topsychological and physical stress.
Rhodiola rosea supports the immunesystem and the mechanisms of energy storage in the body, provides a burst ofenergy, stimulates mental activity and performance.
The selected components that make upthe capsules are valuable natural raw materials!
For several centuries, Rhodiolarosea was carefully hidden by the indigenous population of Altai, and theChinese emperors equipped expeditions in search of this miracle of nature. Onlyin 1961 the expedition of the Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch ofthe USSR Academy of Sciences managed to find the plant in the cedar taiga, atan altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level.
Capsuleswith antler powder and Rhodiola rosea are beneficial in the following cases:
• • • • to strengthen body resistance duringperiods of epidemics and to recover from past diseases.
Recommendationsfor use: adults, 2 capsules twice a day with meals.
Period ofadministration: 1 month. Repeated round is possible within a year.
Counterindications: intolerance to individual components.
Composition: maralantlers powder, Rhodiola rosea.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Storage conditions: store at 0ºС to +25ºС and max 75% RH.
ТУ10.89.19-007-24267110-2019 with amendment No.1