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Vendor: Revital Co
Sku: 27909
Country of Origin: Russia
Currently Available at: Russia
Ability to relax is crucial. Animportant part here is played by healthy sleep: the body restores itself whileasleep. A lack of night rest negatively affects mood, work activity and health.And if it is often not possible to reduce daytime stress on the nervous system,then at night your "battery" must be allowed to recharge.
One should bear in mind, though,that sleep disorders include not only insufficient sleep duration, but alsounsatisfactory quality: the term insomniameans disorder of falling asleep, intermittent superficial sleep and / orpremature waking (Karishchenko N. N. Clinicaland Ecological Pharmacology in Terms and Notions. Thesuarus. — М., Medicine,1995.).
By solving the sleeping issue, youget a therapeutic effect: during deep sleep, new nerve cells are activelyformed, blood pressure and hormonal levels normalize. While asleep, the brainmakes diagnostics of the body, starting self-healing. But in order to establishprocesses so important for health, one does not have to resort to potentsynthetic drugs that cause addiction and other undesirable effects: there arecenturies-proven effective herbal agents such as Paeonia anomala.
Urals peony (Lat. Paeónia anómala)possesses mild sedative effect, i.e. it regulates the processes of excitationand inhibition of the central nervous system, facilitates the onset of sleep,improves its quality, relieves of disturbing dreams. The people called it"heart herb" due to the ability to "calm the nerves andheart", normalize the pulse and lower the pressure of hypertensivepatients.
Administration of Paeónia anómalamakes sleep full and promotes the production of melatonin - the "hormoneof youth and longevity", which regulates the function of the endocrine andcardiovascular systems. It normalizes daily rhythms – body's internal clock that controls virtuallyall aspects of health. This property is especially important for people whowork night shifts or for any other reason disrupt sleep / wakefulness.
Melatonin gives you the opportunitynot only to sleep, but also to get enough sleep to feel rested in the morning.At the biochemical level, melatonin is closely related to serotonin - the"good mood hormone", so it helps to resist stress.
The soothing properties of the plantin capsules Pantovital + Paeónia anómala are presented in a unique combinationwith the powder of Altai maral antlers, which strengthens the body andactivates vital resources.
A special dosage ensures sleepeffect at nights only, without causing sleepiness and dullness during the day –the effect inherent of the most sleeping drugs. On the contrary, the capsuleshelp overcome chronic fatigue and enhance your performance.
Paeónia anómala is introduced intothe Red Book, which is why a special regulation shall be strictly followed whenharvesting it: once the root is withdrawn, the plant seeds (sprouts) are buriedinto the ground, and the materials are not harvested from the area for at least30 years.
Capsuleswith antler powder and Paeónia anómala are beneficial in the following cases:
• • • to reduce irritability, nervousnessand improve of emotional control.
Recommendationsfor use: adults, 2 capsules twice a day with meals.
Period ofadministration: 1 month. Repeated round is possible within a year.
Counterindications: intolerance to individual components.
Composition: maralantlers powder, Paeónia anómala.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Storage conditions: store at 0ºС to +25ºС and max 75% RH.
ТУ10.89.19-007-24267110-2019 with amendment No.1