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Vendor: Global Food Production LLC
Sku: 1121
Useful properties of Sesame oil were highly valued by the ancient Egyptians who actively used it in treatment of heart diseases. The mediaeval scientist Avicenna dedicated the whole chapters of his medical treatises to the healing virtue of this plant. People in India, Pakistan, China and Central Asia are using Sesame oil as a healthy dressing a couple thousand years already. Complex benefit. Sesame oil is optimally balanced by the content of vitamins (Е,А,D,В1,В2,В3,С), macro and micronutrient elements (К, Са, Р, Zn, Mg etc.) and other valuable bioactive substance (antioxidants sesamol and squalene; phytin, phytosterols, phospholipids etc.) Complex of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids contributes to the improvement of activity of cardiovascular system, normalization of fat metabolism and blood sugar levels, develops immunity, and neutralizes a negative impact of waste products, toxins and carcinogen on a human body. For joints and bones. Sesame oil is notable for its high calcium content, necessary for strengthening of bone and cartilaginous tissue: 1 teaspoon of this oil satisfies the daily need for this macronutrient element. Thanks to the high content of magnesium, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and the antioxidant sesamolin, has the sesame oil a sedative action. Its regular use has a wholesome effect on nervous system and helps to get rid of an increased irritability and fatigability. Cooking. Sesame oil cannot be heated, so it is better add it to the ready-to-eat meals, i.e. soups, gruel, porridge, meat and fish dishes, sauce and dressings. This oil has a rich taste that’s why it can be diluted with a “softer” peanut oil.